The Choir of Christ’s College, Cambridge

The Choir of Christ’s College, Cambridge
East Coast USA Tour 2022
19th July, Christ Church Parish, Plymouth

Biography – The Choir of Christ’s College, Cambridge
Christ’s College is one of the constituent colleges of the University of Cambridge, and has
had a chapel choir since its foundation in 1505. Conducted by Professor David Rowland,
director of music at Christ’s College, the choir sings a selection of music from English and
European choral traditions from the 16th to 20th century.
The Choir’s raison d’etre has, since its inception, been to sing services in the College
Chapel. Choral Evensong is sung twice weekly during Full Term. More generally, the Choir
makes an important contribution to the life of the College, singing at feasts, weddings,
memorial services and other occasions.
Today, as one of Cambridge’s finest mixed-voice ensembles, the group also pursues an
exciting range of activities outside College, performing concerts in Cambridge and around
the UK, recording CDs, broadcasting, and undertaking major international tours each
Summer. Choir members are selected by audition either before or after coming up to
Cambridge, and each is expected to be of a very high musical standard. Most hold Choral
Exhibitions, and all benefit from regular vocal training.
The choir has a broad concert repertoire. This tour they are singing a wide range of music:
Parry’s Songs of Farewell, Howell’s Requiem, Finzi’s Lo, The Full, Final Sacrifice , to name a
few, maintaining a variety of music from both religious and secular traditions, ranging from
Tallis to Britten.
Biography – Professor David Rowland (Director of Music)
David Rowland was Organ Scholar at Corpus Christi College and as an undergraduate
played regularly for services in King’s College. After graduating in 1978 he pursued research
in Cambridge and in 1981 he won the prestigious St Alban’s International Organ
Competition. In the following year he was a major prize winner at the Dublin International
Organ Competition.
Subsequently David became a lecturer in the music department of Glasgow University and
then Director of Music at Christ’s College Cambridge, where he has conducted the choir
for the last thirty-three years. More recently, from 2002-4 he conducted the Welsh National
Youth Choir.
In addition to conducting he records, broadcasts and performs on the harpsichord, organ
and early piano. David joined the staff of the Music Department of the Open University in
1989, where he is currently Professor of Music and Director of Taught Postgraduate Studies,
having been Dean of the Faculty of Arts from 2007 to 2014. He pursues research into the
performance practice of the early piano, the relationship between music and commerce and
the history of listening, on which subjects he has written five books and other scholarly