Middle/High School Learners
Grades 5 - 8
Middle school learners engage in their faith in a more hands-on way. This group meets Sunday mornings at 9 AM, exploring spiritual practices and taking on a project. They attend church together as a class at 10 AM. In past years, the learners are created a meditation and reflection garden space on the church grounds, adding to a labyrinth that was created several years ago. This project included planning and designing the many aspects of the space, then creating it.
A Padlet for this group and the ongoing project serves as a way to share ideas and images. It is open to all who are registered.

Register for Sunday School
There is no cost to participate in our Middle and High School programs. But you must register your child to attend.
Confirmation is offered to learners in ninth grade and above. This course is taught by the Rector and lay leaders, encouraging youth to explore their faith as young adults.
If you would like more information or have any questions, please email our Church School Director.