Sacramental Celebrations
The Episcopal Church and the Sacraments
What is a Sacrament?
According to the Book of Common Prayer, the sacraments are outward and visible signs of inward and spiritual grace, given by Christ as sure and certain means by which we receive that grace. (Book of Common Prayer pp. 857.) In other words we believe that God meets us in the common everyday things of our world: water, bread and wine, oil, in the laying on of hands when we share in these things together as a community of faith. The sacraments help ground our faith in something material that we can touch, see and taste.
In the Episcopal Church we recognize and celebrate the two great sacraments recognized in the Gospel itself; Holy Baptism and Holy Eucharist. But there are five other sacramental rites in which we also believe that God is present in: Confirmation; Ordination; Holy Matrimony; the Reconciliation of the Penitent, known as Confession; and the Anointing of the Sick.

All people of any age are welcome to be baptized.
Prepared Communion
Prepared Communion is offered every year, deepening children’s understanding and experience of the many aspects of Eucharist.
Confirmation is offered to learners in ninth grade and above. This course is taught by Deacon James and lay leaders, encouraging youth to explore their faith as young adults.
Do you have questions about celebrating the sacraments at Christ Church? Contact Us