Memorials & Funerals at Christ Church
The liturgy of the burial of the dead is an Easter liturgy. This means that it finds its meaning in the resurrection of our Lord. Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we, too, shall be raised grounding our hope in the love of God and the new and eternal life to come. For this reason, funerals and memorial services at Christ Church Parish are characterized by joy, understanding that joy will necessarily be tempered by grief.
At Christ Church Parish, the burial service follows the liturgy outlined in the Book of Common Prayer.
To begin the process of planning a funeral, we ask that the death of a member of Christ Church Parish be reported to the parish office as soon as possible and the family meet with the rector as soon as reasonably possible.
Please note that no final plans should be made or service dates publicized before consulting with the rector.
For non-members of the church, funeral plans will normally be arranged by a local funeral home.